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We were thrilled to welcome a large number of parents, friends, and children to our Academic Open Day on Saturday 22nd May. There were two sessions, morning and afternoon, and each commenced with a Welcome Speech from the Principal during which he outlined the comprehensive academic provision at Oxbridge School and his vision for the future.befunky-collageOnce the entrance ribbon was duly cut, students attended their three chosen taster lessons or curriculum enhancing activities whilst parents toured the campus and took time to engage with our staff.   befunky-collage-(1)The new Grand Piano was inaugurated by our guest, Mr. Raymond Young, with a wonderful performance and he then presented our first Music Scholarship Award certificates to two students who will be joining the school in August.   befunky-collage-(2)A Parent Question and Answer session took place between Mr. Young, ex King's Singer and two times Grammy Award winner Paul Phoenix, and the Principal about achieving success and teaching Gifted and Talented students. befunky-collage-(3)

During the day, there was an opportunity for parents to view and order our new school uniform, to meet our school bus service provider, and to view the two buses in attendance. Delicious catering for the event was once again supplied by Chartwells.  


We were delighted to see our school being enjoyed by so many people.  If you missed our open day, please register here to arrange a personal visit.

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